Over the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of individuals across six continents to support organizational change and personal development, one individual at a time, in my capacity as a Behavioural Change Consultant and Coach with Caliber Leadership Systems.
The clients I have worked with have varied in organizational, economic and political challenges; in settings both stable or otherwise; from leaders to managers to employees; from long-standing companies to entrepreneurial or family business; in corporate and remote operational settings; from right around the corner, to the other side of the planet.
All of the individuals I have worked with have one thing in common: the frustration of wanting to do better, but not knowing how.
Most often people are highly competent at the skills that allow them to do the "job," but they struggle when it comes to interpersonal issues, such as dealing with conflict, handling difficult employee situations, managing their own emotions, or understanding the needs and motivations of others in the workplace when they differ from their own.
This last element is a particular struggle for leaders, managers and supervisors, who may not get the best performance out of their people, and may struggle to respond to what they need in terms of support, encouragement, information, providing too much or too little "hands-on" supervision, etc.
Employees are often unclear of what their own workplace needs are as well, and may assume that leaders should simply "know." They struggle to assert or communicate what they need for fear of looking incompetent or insubordinate. The result is, too often, a break-down in communication with each side blaming the others for the interpersonal barriers to achieving business results.
Workplace Programs That Work
How many times have you participated in an HR or organizational development program that falls short?
Like most, the occurrence may be far too frequent. Behavioural change programs are often introduced at the level of idea or concept, but have little support with implementation and application. At the first sign of resistance, many simply give up and return to their old ways, or force change and create much dissatisfaction along the way.
The programs we introduce and implement in organizations are different, because we know what makes the difference.
The program approach is based on an understanding of how the brain grows, learns and develops. Clients first develop an understanding of why they do what they do in the first place, and why making changes to what they do, even when it is highly desirable, it is so difficult.
My colleagues and I work with clients to identify the necessary elements of behavioural change, and a process for making those changes. This includes a strategy for productively working through the resistance that will naturally occur - both on an individual level, and on an organizational level. And, we are there to support the process of change, every step of the way.
Assessment Programs Work!
Working with individuals and teams to identify who they are based on how their brain is organized empowers both leaders and employees to discover what their workplace needs are. In this way. they can better communicate and negotiate to get their needs met, while meeting the challenges of the roles and environments they are in. They learn to understand what drives them from within, so they can align their behaviour with reaching the goals they want to reach, rather than working against themselves.
Through individual coaching, they are able to identify alternative approaches that they aren't able to see on their own; to talk through the difficult situations; and find news ways of thinking about, and relating to, themselves, others and their work situations. Coaching programs teach them how to utilize the organization of their brain, to optimize its energy in the achievement of results, and to identify what gets in the way so that barriers can be understood and worked through.
With a process to follow, and less energy going into guess work, uncertainty and frustration, leaders and employees are able to alleviate stress, develop confidence and create strong bonds of trust.
And we teach them about how others can be different...and what strategies they can use to alleviate interpersonal tension and conflict in their relationships with their employees, colleagues and those they report to.
"Nancy has been an integral part of our leadership development program, having coached nearly 200 individuals in our organization.
Her in-depth knowledge of MBTI® and human behavior guides each participant to gain insight into their strengths and blind spots, and helps them establish a development plan for growth.
Participants consistently report that among all leadership development activities, the coaching provides the greatest impact as it increases their self-awareness and ability to relate to, understand, and lead others more effectively."
Sandra McMillan, BCOM, MBA
Manager, Organizational Development
VersaCold Logistics Services
Head Office, Vancouver, BC